Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.

Embarking on a yoga journey can be both exciting and daunting. Whether you are delivering deeper into your practice, or just getting started practicing yoga, it’s essential to find a yoga teacher who aligns with your needs, guides you with expertise, and creates a safe space for exploration. But how do you go about finding the perfect yoga teacher who will uplift and support you on your yoga path?

The key lies in exploring various teachers and styles to discover what resonates with you. While it may sound a little surprising— just like dating, it usually takes a few (or more than a few!) tries to find your ideal match. Different yoga teachers bring their unique approaches and teaching styles to the mat, offering a diverse range of experiences. Some may focus on vinyasa flow, while others excel in gentle yoga or specialized practices like prenatal or trauma-informed yoga.

Passion and experience are crucial qualities to seek in a yoga teacher. Look for instructors who are deeply knowledgeable and experienced in the specific type of yoga you want to learn. 

Whether you’re drawn to the calming practice of Yin Yoga or seek a dynamic fitness-oriented class, finding a teacher who specializes in your chosen style will enhance your learning journey.

Inclusivity and empathy are vital aspects of a good yoga teacher. Seek instructors who create a safe and welcoming environment for students of all backgrounds and abilities. They should be able to provide modifications, gentle adjustments, and reasonable challenges, fostering mind-body awareness in a supportive setting. A good teacher understands the individual needs of each student, responding with empathy and compassion.

Additionally, a well-rounded yoga teacher should possess qualities such as authenticity, patience, and continuous personal growth. They should be committed to their own practice, constantly expanding their knowledge and deepening their understanding of yoga philosophy. 

By being authentic, patient, and open to growth, a teacher can inspire and encourage their students to reach new heights in their practice.

As you embark on your search for a yoga teacher, keep in mind that it’s a journey of exploration. Don’t be afraid to try out different classes and teachers, allowing yourself to connect with different styles and approaches. Trust your instincts and seek a teacher who makes you feel at home, confident, and supported in your practice.

We reached out to yoga teachers around the world to get their thoughts, perspective, and advice about how to find a good yoga teacher?

How to find a good yoga teacher: Find a yoga teacher who helps alleviate that potential initial stress

 Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“It may be intimidating to find community when you first begin your yoga journey. Truth is, when we begin the practice of yoga there are so many layers of what to focus on, like your breath or the pose, for example, that I believe finding a teacher who is a good fit for you helps alleviate that potential initial stress. Finding a teacher fit for you can help ground you because you have identified someone you resonate with and trust to take you on a curious journey of exploring and cultivating a yoga practice. I think simply put, in order to find a teacher you vibe with, you’ve simply got to get out there and meet different teachers! Take different classes, and see what style of yoga and who resonates with you. I recommend apps like ClassPass that make it easy to try different classes in various studios without having to commit to one membership. Once you begin to try different classes and really feel out the teacher, their approach to the practice, and their class experience delivery, I trust you will surely find the perfect fit for you 🙂 …and you may make some new friends along the way! Another tip I would provide is to not be discouraged if you take a class or experience a teacher you don’t resonate with at first. All teachers are DIFFERENT. Just keep calm and yoga on.”- Rosie Araujo. She received her training from Synergy Yoga and is a part of the Yoga Alliance. Connect with Rosie:  @mintbodystudio

How to find a good yoga teacher: Find a yoga teacher who is passionate and experienced in the type of yoga you want to learn

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“My advice is to look for a yoga teacher who is passionate and experienced in the type of yoga you want to learn, whether that’s Yin Yoga, a fast-paced class that focuses on fitness, or a yoga class for elderly students. If you have any special issues or requirements, such as a yoga class that is trauma-informed, for athletes, or for anxiety, make it a top priority to find a yoga teacher who has experience or training in these areas. You’ll want a yoga teacher and classroom environment that feels safe and inclusive for you. It can be hard to quantify, but finding a yoga teacher who you feel comfortable and click with can make a huge difference in your experience. A good yoga teacher should have strong skills in leadership, communication, empathy, compassion, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, adaptability, decision-making, time management, patience, and organization. They should be personable and welcoming so students feel comfortable in class without fear of judgment or criticism. A good yoga teacher should also be passionate about their yoga practice and committed to continually learning more. If there is a particular demographic of students they want to serve, a yoga teacher should take care to gain experience or training relevant to those students’ needs”.- Anna Passalacqua. She is a certified yoga teacher and C-IAYT yoga therapist. Connect with here at Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy

How to find a good yoga teacher: Try different instructors when looking for a yoga teacher 

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“What I tell people is that it’s important that they try many different styles, and teachers. Don’t settle on the first class or the first instructor. Some people have powerful connections to vinyasa or ashtanga, whereas others feel better with gentle yoga or hatha. Every teacher is different. Find someone whose voice soothes you and whose words inspire you. But don’t just stick to one teacher. Enjoy the gamut and soak up the teachings from different teachers.”- Deborah Charnes. She is certified at Yandara Yoga. Connect with Deborah: @deborahcharnes

How to find a good yoga teacher: Yoga teachers need to be well-rounded 

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“To me, the qualities of a good yoga teacher are: the ability to provide a safe space to explore and experiment, being trauma-informed so that they can create a space that is safe for all, knowledge and embodiment of the roots of yoga and yoga philosophy, a desire to practice and teach yoga that promotes longevity and health rather than short-term accomplishment. Also qualities like non-judgment and playfulness. Also, they are a forever student, they are above and below no one, and they are anti-racist. A yoga teacher should hold a certification at a minimum of 200hrs so that they have a well-rounded knowledge of the practice and an ability to hold space for the average yoga student.” – Lauren Leduc. She is certified at  Frog Lotus International. Connect with Lauren: Lauren Leduc

How to find a good yoga teacher: Find a yoga teacher who are knowledgeable, passionate, and empathetic. 

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“When looking for a good yoga teacher, it’s important to find someone who is knowledgeable, passionate, and empathetic. A good teacher should be able to guide you through the practice with clear instructions and demonstrate proper alignment. They should also be passionate about yoga and be able to share their knowledge and experience with their students. Empathy is also crucial because it allows the teacher to understand and respond to the individual needs of each student.

The qualities of a good yoga teacher include patience, compassion, and authenticity. Patience is important because everyone learns at their own pace, and a good teacher should be able to provide a safe and supportive environment for all levels of students. Compassion is key because a good teacher should be able to connect with their students and help them on their yoga journey. Finally, authenticity is important because a good teacher should be true to themselves and their practice, which will inspire and encourage their students.

Specialized training and certifications are important for a yoga teacher because they demonstrate a commitment to the practice and a deeper understanding of yoga. These certifications provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to safely guide students through their practice.

If you’re looking for a good yoga teacher, don’t be afraid to try out different classes and teachers until you find the right fit for you.”- Alik & Lauren Colbert. Received their training from  Laughter Yoga International . Connect with them at: Laughing Lovebugs LLC

How to find a good yoga teacher: Seek inclusive, beginner-friendly practitioners who have a strong understanding of anatomy

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“I suggest seeking inclusive, beginner-friendly practitioners who have a strong understanding of anatomy. Cultivating mind-body awareness requires an environment that welcomes modifications, gentle adjustments, and reasonable challenges.

It is very important. Certification programs are vetted for accuracy and safety. They require in-person hours, mentorship, and study. While we are not medical practitioners, we are encouraged to be aware of health contraindications. I have so much respect for my colleagues who specialize in things like Prenatal Yoga and Yoga for Aging Bodies. Yoga isn’t one-size-fit all and neither are we! We are all safer that way!” – Bria Hamlet. She is  500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher and with the  Yoga Alliance. Connect with Bria: Just Bri Free

How to find a good yoga teacher: it is a bit like dating, when finding a good yoga teacher 

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“It is a bit like dating. I always recommend students try a handful of different teachers and styles of yoga to find their best fits. Everyone is different. And even when you do find your favorite teacher(s) and style of yoga, after a while of practicing I suggest students try other teachers and classes as that will expand their practice and knowledge.

Rapport! Some students enjoy a social yoga atmosphere so they will probably veer toward a more outgoing “social butterfly” type of teacher. Other people want to go to a yoga class for peace and having to interact with anyone just to have time for themselves (I find that a lot with busy professionals and parents) – so those people will veer more toward a teacher who leads a class that is more self paced, perhaps minimal talking and social interaction.

I believe ideal qualities of a yoga teacher are: authenticity, all-inclusive cueing (ie cueing that supports those new to yoga as well as those experienced), and available for questions from students after class.

As you will see by my certifications page I am want to learn everything. 🙂 With each new training I feel I grow more and more as a teacher. But that isn’t to say there are not some incredibly gifted teachers out there that may have only completed their 200 hour training. I do believe as teachers we have an obligation to our students to continue to grow and learn in our own yoga practice.”- Jennifer Ellis. You can find her certifications here Life Enlightenment. Connect with Jennifer: Fitness & Yoga 

How to find a good yoga teacher: Try out the studios in your surrounding neighborhood to find good yoga teachers 

Discover the transformative power of yoga: finding a good yoga teacher, exploring qualifications, certifications, training, styles, practice, community, philosophy, experience, classes, studios, schools, apprenticeship, mentorship, and forging a personal connection.“Yoga studios and teachers are very easy to come by, however, good studios and teachers are harder to find. If you’re new to yoga practice, try out the studios in your surrounding neighborhood by utilizing their introductory discounts.  Many studios will have options for 2 weeks of unlimited yoga for a fraction of the cost of typical monthly memberships.  This option will allow you to try out not only the studio, but the different styles of classes and teachers. Yoga is for every body, but there are many different types of yoga that appeal to different types of people. Your ability to connect with your teacher and feel safe, guided, and relaxed is of utmost importance to ensure you like what you are practicing and stick with it. Trust your gut.  What’s the vibe of the studio? Are they welcoming to new students? Were you greeted at the door? Ignored? Did the teacher come introduce herself to the new students in the class?  When the studio staff, and the teacher in particular, want to gift you the best experience possible, it’s a great indicator of a teacher’s interest in her students and their individual needs. You want a teacher who makes you feel at home, makes you feel confident and powerful in your practice, and who helps you reach the next level in your practice through positive reinforcement and coaching.” -Hayden Goldberg. She received her yoga certification Yoga Tropics. Connect with Hayden:  Namaste Anywhere

Final Thoughts: How to Find a Good Yoga Teacher 

Finding a good yoga teacher is a crucial step in your yoga journey. 

So, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner looking for a fresh perspective, the search for a good yoga teacher is an adventure that can lead to transformative experiences on and off the mat. Embrace the process, try different classes, and open yourself up to the guidance and wisdom of the perfect teacher for you. Get ready to embark on a rewarding journey of self-discovery and growth through the practice of yoga.

Beyond the technical aspects, developing a personal connection with a yoga teacher is invaluable. Look for yoga teachers who create a welcoming and inclusive community, where you feel supported and encouraged to explore and grow. A good teacher should embody the principles of yoga philosophy, promoting compassion, authenticity, and continuous personal growth.

Yoga classes and studios provide opportunities to connect with different teachers and styles. Take advantage of introductory offers to try out various classes, allowing yourself to explore and find the teacher who inspires and uplifts you. 

Once you establish a connection with a yoga teacher, their mentorship and guidance can significantly enhance your yoga experience. Seek opportunities for apprenticeship or mentorship programs that provide deeper insights and support in your practice. A strong bond with your teacher can create a transformative experience, helping you unlock new levels of understanding and growth.

Ultimately, the journey of finding a good yoga teacher is an individual process. Trust your instincts, listen to your body, and follow the path that resonates with you. Embrace the beauty of the yoga community and the transformative power of a meaningful connection with a teacher who inspires and guides you along the way. Your yoga practice is an ever-evolving journey, and with the right teacher by your side, it can become a lifelong source of growth, fulfillment, and self-discovery.