what is reiki

 Have you been wondering…

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki can be broken down into two parts, Rei and Ki. Rei means universal or cosmic and ki means energy. Reiki is learning how to grab the universe energy and transfer it. 

What is Reiki?

I first studied Reiki at Nepal Yoga Home in July 2017 under the Reiki Master Prakash Acharya and received my Reiki Level 1 Certification. Almost a year later, in Rishikesh, India I completed my Reiki Level 2 Training under the guidance of Reiki Master Parveen Badoni at Reiki School India. Below is information about what reiki is that I learned from my Reiki Masters. Enjoy!

The Word Reiki and It’s Founder

The word Reiki can be broken down into two parts, Rei and Ki. Rei means universal or cosmic and ki means energy. Reiki is learning how to grab the universe energy and transfer it. Reiki is a 2,500 year old healing technique that originates in Tibet. It was also in India during the time of the Buddha. The knowledge of the art of Reiki, known by a different name of course, was lost in time. It was reborn in the 19th century in Japan. Dr. Mikado Usui discovered Reiki and is known as the father of modern Reiki.

The Definition of Reiki

The definition of Reiki is that it is a perfect technique to touch the inner body, but not the soul. We cannot touch the soul since the soul is separate from the physical body. The soul is the purity of a person. The soul is the inner god. The physical body is what you can see, can feel, and can explain. Even though you cannot see the organs, they too are part of the inner body. The inner body is what you cannot see and cannot explain, but you can feel. The physical body is the person. The inner body is the personality. The person and the personality make up a human being.

Benefits of Reiki

  1. Balance energy
  2. Increase creativity
  3. Release emotions
  4. Release stress
  5. Amplify energy
  6. Work on general disease
  7. Heal holistically
  8. Increase awareness
  9. Reverse aging process

Parveen Badoni’s Computer Analogy

Parveen Badoni shared a wonderful analogy with me about how a person is like a computer. Just as a computer is comprised of a screen and a hard-drive, one cannot effectively function without the other. One without the other is not a computer. Just as a person in a coma has a physical body, the inner body is not working. The physical body needs the inner body, one without the other is not a complete person.

The inner body is connecting with our energy, that energy which is connected to our chakras. All energy and processing is done by the inner body. The inner body has everything but no structure. The inner body is processing everything but is unable to show anything. That is what the “screen” or the physical body is needed for.

The inner body presents the self through the physical body.

Reiki Energy Responsibility Healing Light Usui

A Note on Energy

There is no such thing as bad or negative energy. A “bad” person will not be bad for everyone. It all depends on perspective. And it depends on how that energy interacts with your own energy. When you feel bad energy from a person, you are explaining your own theory about that person. Therefore, you’re really explaining something about yourself. 

As human beings, it is natural to have fluctuations in energy. We cannot always be high energy or low energy. There is only good energy, average energy, and high energy.

99% of things are about our own projection. 1% is not in our hands such as floods or earthquakes. Everything has a reason, it just depends on how conscious you are. 

The Responsibility of Energy

When you blame someone, you point one finger towards them. But three of your fingers still point towards you. You are three times more responsible than the other. The energy that you don’t solve will come back to you again and again and again. It is better to face it and solve it. You attract the energy, the same energy that is causing you pain or problems. You need to go to the root to understand why you are attracting this energy, these same types of people, this pain. Only when you understand and heal can you stop attracting what you wish to not attract.

“Sometimes, you need a slap from the universe to wake up from our patterns and our numbness. One hand cannot clap by itself. It takes two hands to clap. Both hands are involved. Both hands are responsible.” – Parveen Badoni 

When you want to disengage with someone, you must be one hundred percent committed. You cannot be ninety-nine percent committed because then there is still a window in. You must be strong with your energy.

It is nature that we are born alone and that we will die alone. No one can die for us. When you realize that you are alone and that no one can understand you, and that this is the reality of life, life will get easier for you. This is not ego, this is about personality. I am who I am. The knowledge that no one can understand you, that is necessary to make one-hundred percent efforts. 

Do not compromise your personality. Understand who you are. Work it out with yourself first. 

Day is just as important as night. If night is not here, how will a new day start?

You have to find a way to make your own space in the sky. This involves bravery, and deeply knowing yourself, and above all: letting go. 

What is Reiki?

Principles of a Reiki Healer


Just for today, I will let go of anger.


Just for today, I will let go of worry.


Just for today, I will live a life of gratitude.


Just for today, I will do my work honestly.


Just for today, I will be loving and kind to all living beings.

Parveen Badoni Reiki School India

Parveen Badoni was my Reiki Healing Master that I studied with in Rishikesh, India. Parveen Badoni is the founder of Reiki School India. He received his Master degree in Yogic Science and received is Reiki Mastership over 15 years ago in Dehradun, India. I was fortunate enough to receive his teaching during my stay in Rishikesh and get my certification in Reiki Healing and my certification in Crystal Healing from Parveen Badoni at Reiki School India in July 2018.

Parveen was a wonderful teacher in that he has both a commanding presence and a soft voice. You can tell that he has strong vibrational energy as your eyes are drawn to him whenever he is in a room. And he has so much more than just Reiki knowledge to share with his students. Or maybe it is all Reiki knowledge, because Reiki is all about energy and all of our lives and histories and emotions and beliefs are tied up in our energy. In class, he gave profoundly shaking lectures on relationships, energy blocks, childhood, the mind body connection, and more.
I say shaking because I would leave classes feeling a mixture of uplifted and bewildered. Parveen Badoni really shook me and my thinking up.

“Sometimes, you need a slap from the universe to wake up from our patterns and our numbness. One hand cannot clap by itself. It takes two hands to clap. Both hands are involved. Both hands are responsible.”

I feel as if being with Parveen was a slap from the universe. I expressed to him how hard I was trying to live with a completely open and vulnerable heart. I told him I was trying as hard as I can to keep my heart chakra open. He told me to stop trying. To do it. To commit one hundred percent to doing it. He also told me:

“Stay with your heart. You are very soft, you are very sensitive. You need to be soft. Do not let your fear stop you from feeling.”

Parveen was very wise and I learned an immense and intense amount about myself. And began to look at myself and my energy body with new eyes. I didn’t just learn about Reiki, but about my chakras, my energy, and most importantly myself as a whole and entire being.

With grace and gratitude, thank you for being a part of the Wild Yoga Tribe, Parveen Badoni,

To read more about what Reiki is and what I learned from Parveen, please click HERE.

To visit Parveen Badoni’s website Reiki School India, please click HERE.

Parveen Badoni was my Reiki Healing Master that I studied with in Rishikesh, India. Parveen Badoni is the founder of Reiki School India. He received his Master degree in Yogic Science and received is Reiki Mastership over 15 years ago in Dehradun, India. I was fortunate enough to receive his teaching during my stay in Rishikesh and get my certification in Reiki Healing and my certification in Crystal Healing from Parveen Badoni at Reiki School India in July 2018.

Parveen was a wonderful teacher in that he has both a commanding presence and a soft voice. You can tell that he has strong vibrational energy as your eyes are drawn to him whenever he is in a room. And he has so much more than just Reiki knowledge to share with his students. Or maybe it is all Reiki knowledge, because Reiki is all about energy and all of our lives and histories and emotions and beliefs are tied up in our energy. In class, he gave profoundly shaking lectures on relationships, energy blocks, childhood, the mind body connection, and more.
I say shaking because I would leave classes feeling a mixture of uplifted and bewildered. Parveen Badoni really shook me and my thinking up.

“Sometimes, you need a slap from the universe to wake up from our patterns and our numbness. One hand cannot clap by itself. It takes two hands to clap. Both hands are involved. Both hands are responsible.”

I feel as if being with Parveen was a slap from the universe. I expressed to him how hard I was trying to live with a completely open and vulnerable heart. I told him I was trying as hard as I can to keep my heart chakra open. He told me to stop trying. To do it. To commit one hundred percent to doing it. He also told me:

“Stay with your heart. You are very soft, you are very sensitive. You need to be soft. Do not let your fear stop you from feeling.”

Parveen was very wise and I learned an immense and intense amount about myself. And began to look at myself and my energy body with new eyes. I didn’t just learn about Reiki, but about my chakras, my energy, and most importantly myself as a whole and entire being.

To visit Parveen Badoni’s website Reiki School India, please click HERE.

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