
Ayurveda is an ancient healing science and knowledge that was formulated thousands of years ago by the sages of India. In sanskrit, Ayurveda translates to the science of life, or the knowledge of life as “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means either science or knowledge. Ayurveda is wisdom that is grounded in the mind and body connection. More than anything else, Ayurveda that the most powerful tool to heal the body is the mind. 

The Five Element Theory

Pancha Maha Bhoota is the Five Element Theory in Ayurveda. It is the guiding principle that the entire universe, humans included of course, are composed of the five elements. While in the West, we usually speak of the four elements, the fifth element is space. That means that the five elements are air, fire, space, water, and earth. 

While this may sound strange, believing that humans have the elements in their bodies, it doesn’t actually mean that there is a fire burning inside the body anywhere or anything like that. For humans, fire represents our digestive fire and metabolism. Earth represents our bones. Water is our blood and fluids. Space is our cavities and empty spaces like our auditory canal. Lastly, air is our respiration, movements, feelings, and thoughts.

The Five Elements in Sanskrit

Theory of the 5 Elements in Ayurveda

Vayu = Air = Movement

Agni = Fire = Energy

Akash = Space = Space

Jala = Water = Nutrition

Pritthivi = Earth = Mass/Solidity

The Lok Purush Principle 

In sanskrit, “Lok” means universe and “Purush” means individual. This principle is based upon the belief that our body is equivalent to the universe. In Ayurveda, this principle guides the belief that absolutely everything is a part of the universe and therefore everything is comprised of the same five elements. When illness occurs, it is because of an imbalance between the five elements in the body. 

Which leads us to…

The Doshas!

For more information on the doshas, check out my blog post here.

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