There has to be a hundred yoga studios in Rishikesh who offer ashtanga yoga classes. That isn’t an exaggeration either, it’s likely a smaller number than I should offer. I cannot speak of how all the yoga shalas teach ashtanga, but I was finally able to take a class with guruji Prashant at Vidya Yoga School and I am thrilled to share my experience with you all.

For those of you who don’t know, the word “shala” in sanskrit means “home.” So the yoga studios are generally called “yoga shalas” or “yoga homes” here in India. I think it is also a term of respect that illustrates that more than just yoga asana practice is happening. A studio can be a place of fitness, a shala is a place of growth for the mind, body, spirit.

Last time I was in Rishikesh in April and May 2018, Guruji Prashant, the owner and founder and yoga guru at Vidya Yoga School was off in Nepal teaching workshops in Kathmandu. I never had the opportunity to meet him or to take a class from him, but was instead taught by other teachers at the shala who have been students of Guruji for years. I was blown away by the quality of instruction by his students, as well as the strength of their presence in the room. The adjustments they made, and the guidance they offered was unparalleled to anything I had received before.

Returning to Rishikesh

When I returned to Rishikesh here in March 2019, I knew that Guruji would be here and would be leading classes. I took my first Ashtanga class with him in the morning and left the class with a feeling of expansiveness and gratitude. I have never had an ashtanga class taught quite like that before.

Ashtanga is a type of yoga that is 90 minutes long and is a set sequence of postures that never changes. Therefore I always know precisely which asana comes next as it’s a predetermined pattern. It is known for being very challenging, as the asanas require both strength and flexibility.

There are hundreds of yoga schools in Rishikesh who teach Ashtanga, both led and Mysore style. I am happy to share with you all my experience taking an ashtanga class from Guruji Prasant at Vidya Yoga School in Rishikesh.
Vidya Yoga Shala in Rishikesh

Guruji Prashant led the class with very slow counts. Most asanas are held for five full breaths, but I swear we held some asanas for twenty breaths. Guruji told me that his led classes serve to open and challenge the body. Mysore practice, which is unguided, non-led classes in which the students have memorized the sequence and perform it (or use the guidance of a chart) and the teacher moves around the room in silence adjusting poses as needed. During Mysore practice, Guruji told me that students can “cheat” or can move through uncomfortable or difficult poses quicker. His slow counting forces us to hold the poses to our limit. It worked.

I think the ashtanga class went well over the 90 minute allotted time. Nearing closer to 120 minutes. I was exhausted but enlivened. My reiki training has overlapped during the morning ashtanga practice, so I have only been able to take on ashtanga class with Guruji thus far. More to come soon, I’m sure.

Thanks for reading and being a part of the Wild Yoga Tribe. Have you tried ashtanga? Let me know via email or get social with me!

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