Yoga Quotes

Looking for a sweet quote about yoga? Are you seeking a bit of yoga inspiration in your life? Then you’re in luck!

I created these yoga quotes graphics to share my passion for learning more about yoga. Yoga is not just about asana practice. Whether that sounds surprising, or obvious, is irrelevant. There is a vast body of knowledge about yoga that goes back thousands and thousands of years. We’re just scratching the surface of it with asana practice.

Compiling yoga quotes is somewhat of a hobby of mine. I bury myself in books and in the teaching, and then jot down quotes, thoughts, notes, ramblings. I knew that I wanted to put some of my graphic design skills to use and share some of my favorite yoga quotes with my dear readers here, on my Wild Yoga Tribe blog.

Each quote below contains a pearl of yoga wisdom. May you find something in each yoga quote that sparks something inside of you. Feel free to share these inspirational yoga sayings with anyone you think might benefit from them.

If you have a favorite yoga quote that you think I missed, or any other quotes on meditation, spirituality, or philosophy that you think would align well with the path of yoga — please drop me a note at [email protected] or on my social media channels @wildyogatribe

We could all benefit from a moment of pause and reflection. May these quotes offer you an opportunity to look a little deeper at what yoga is, and what yoga can be for you.

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Which inspirational yoga saying was your favorite? What did it spark in you? Let me know in the comments below!

As always, thank you for being here and being a part of the Wild Yoga Tribe.