Crown Chakra Sahasrara

The crown chakra is called Sahasrara in Sanskrit, which translates to thousandfold or thousand-petaled lotus. The lotus is a sacred symbol of enlightenment as the lotus grows in the mud, yet it is a symbol of beauty and spiritual completeness. It indicates that while an enlightened person lives in the mud of the real world, this does not affect her true self and her union with God. Rather than one of the traditional elements, Sahasrara is represented by the element of thought. Sahasrara is also represented by the color violet, and sometimes pure white as well. The sound that resonates at the same frequency as the crown chakra is the word, “OM.”

Where Is The Crown Chakra In My Body?

The crown chakra is actually not located inside your physical body. Sahasrara dwells just a few centimeters outside of your body, hovering above the crown of your head. It is beyond the physical body itself because it is the path of union to the divine. 

What Is The Crown Chakra All About?

The crown chakra is the center of union and transcendence. Our crown chakra is the seventh chakra in our system, the summit of our energetic existence. The crown chakra is where true understanding occurs and one sees, believes, trusts, and understands the truth. 

“The crown chakra is not merely a state of understanding, but a state of being. Consciousness is not a thing, but an experience. When we have fully arrived at this level, without denying or skipping over the levels below, we have arrived at a fully conscious state of being. What we can then bring down to the sixth chakra is not just an ability to see, but illumination. Illumination is like using an overhead light instead of a flashlight, where we see the whole instead of a part. With the understanding gained in the seventh chakra, we not only see the whole but also know what to make of it.”

Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind

If you remember, the word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means to yoke together. The purpose of yoga is yoke ourselves to something outside of ourselves, something holy and divine. Yoga is about not only about becoming one with the divine, but about merging with your own highest nature. The crown chakra is where this transpires.

“In the crown chakra, we come to the final and largest identity, that which identifies with all of creation, the universal identity. As our consciousness expands, our understanding embraces an ever larger scope. As we discover the immensity of the system we are embedded in, we identify with our universal connection. Our information can now encompass knowledge of distant galaxies thousands of light years across, as well as the dance of subatomic particles existing within each cell of our body.”

Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind

A Balanced and Unbalanced Crown Chakra

Signs of a balanced crown chakra is one who is spiritually connected and has a broad understanding of life. This could be conveyed through wisdom or mastery. A balanced crown chakra is also seen in someone who is intelligent and aware, as well as open-minded with the ability to question, reflect, and listen. Such a person is able to perceive, analyze, and successfully assimilate information into their minds and hearts.

Traumas and abuses that can affect the crown chakra are those whose beliefs are invalidated, and when one suffers in an environment of blind obedience that forbids one from questioning and thinking for oneself. Another way the crown chakra can be hurt is when education stymies curiosity. When education discourages critical thinking and asking questions, but instead forces students to sit there mutely, this can damage the crown chakra.

Those who have a block in their crown chakra might present signs such as rigid belief systems, with an inability to listen to others’ opinions or beliefs. They might also feel spiritual cynicism or apathy, and feel distant from all forms of spirituality. On the other hand, crown chakra blocks might instead be spiritual addiction and over intellectualization.

How To Heal The Crown Chakra?

Healing the crown chakra is best done through meditation. Meditation is where the mind and body quiets down so that the soul, or spirit, or whichever term suits you best, is free to explore. It is in meditation that you can most easily move slowly but surely towards union with a higher power or higher consciousness.

In yoga, the yoga asanas that are best for the crown chakras are those that one would choose to sit in during meditation such as sukhasana, ardha padmasana, and padmasana. Lotus pose, padmasana, is considered the perfect seated position for meditation. Also, Sirsasana, or headstand, is generally accepted as a great crown chakra balancing and stimulating asana as it puts pressure on the crown of the head.

Crown Chakra Overview

Name: Sahasrara (thousandfold or thousand-petaled lotus)

Element: Thought

Color: Violet

Basic Principles: Understanding, Union, Transcendence 

Location: Slightly above the crown of the head, not dwelling in the physical body

Negative Power: Attachment

Basic Rights: To know and to learn

Physical Ailments: Migraines and cognitive delusions are considered physical issues associated with the crown chakra. Generally, amnesia, brain tumors, and even being in a coma is also linked with the crown chakra.

Aromas: Olibanum and Lotus. 

Yoga Poses: Headstand (Sirsasana), Padmasana (Lotus), Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana.)


  • Amethyst: Artist Stone. It is the stone of intuition, balance, and higher wisdom. Guides our minds towards the infinite and stimulates meditation, and is an aid on the path to enlightenment. Amethyst helps with clarity of mind as well. 
  • Quartz: Perfect Jewel. It is the supreme gift of Mother Earth and is believed that every single piece of quartz is imbued with properties of the master, the healer, and the teacher. Quartz guides us on our path. It is an incredible amplifier of energy, and actually has a memory of its own which makes it programmable with your purpose, intention, and wishes. 
  • Diamond: King of Gems. It is the stone of light and the stone of invincibility. It promotes truth and vision and is helpful when using it to clear energy fields. It also helps one to access and connect with divine energies. It vibrates at a very high frequency and is a symbol of perfection and illumination.

As always, thanks for being a part of the Wild Yoga Tribe and for learning about the crown chakra!

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