We Are Already Perfect

I walked into a jewelry store in Rishikesh on a whim, Inter World Gems and Handicrafts. The owner was laying down on a couch and I asked him if I could see a ring in the case he had put outside. He handed me the keys to the cases and said, “Make yourself at home.” I spent an hour pouring over the gems and jewels. Admiring green amethysts, emeralds, and piles of tanzanites.

I settled on a lemon quartz ring that simply sung. It called to me and said I am for you. As I paid, the store owner, Puneet, asked me if I was a writer because I had the energy of one who writes. I told him that yes, I was writing and that my Bachelors Degree was English Literature with an emphasis on writing.

Instead of paying for my ring and walking out the door, I sat down on the couch opposite him and we ended up talking for an hour about spirituality and the state of the world. He reminded me of so much I had forgotten. He talked about God, about us all coming from the seed and everything that exists comes from the seed of God. Everyone is beautiful and perfect but we all forget this. He told me my mind was very busy, and I needed to learn to trust. Puneet was right.

Puneet asked me if I wanted him to read my palms, for free, which is a novel idea in India: Free. But I eagerly said yes as I felt connected to this man. I could feel that he could see me. As odd as that sounds, he could see me.

We are Already Perfect

He told me that I need to live by water and that I have weak lungs so I need to be in fresh air. He told me that I had a younger brother whose soul is very close to mine and has been with my soul in many lives. He told me that 7 months ago was very important to me, and yes, yes it was as that was when I booked my plane ticket and decided to quit my job and become a wandering yoga teacher.

There was much about what he said that resonated deeply with me. He told me I need to be around children because they have pure love, the same pure love I have in my own heart. He told me that my root chakra was out of balance and it was disturbed by difficult past relationships. True? Yes.

He asked me if I teach people. When I responded with a yes, he told me:

We are Already Perfect

What an incredible gift. This man knew things he couldn’t possibly know about my past and told me such good news and things for my future. As woo-woo as it sounds, Puneet read my palms and read into the energy lines of my life.

Just know that it’s out there, in a tiny jewelry store in Rishikesh, India. It’s given freely and truly. It’s bewildering and profound.

We are Already Perfect