Bhakti yoga is one of the three paths described in the Bhagavad Gita that would lead one towards enlightenment. These three paths are Karma Yoga (The Path of Action), Jnana Yoga (The Path of Wisdom), and Bhakti Yoga (The Path of Devotion).
What Does Bhakti Yoga Mean?
In Sanskrit, the word Bhakti comes from the root word “bhaj” which translates to devotion, faith, worship, piety. Interestingly, it can also mean “to belong to.” Of course the word yoga means is derived from the root “yuj” which means “to yoke.”
Bhakti Yoga translates to becoming one with your faith—yoking yourself to your God. Through this union, one cultivates unconditional spiritual love, which is a path to enlightenment and liberation.

Tell Me More About Bhakti Yoga…
Bhakti yoga practitioners believe that whatever God desires or creates, the practitioner will wholeheartedly accept. There is no questioning, no doubt. There is only the love for what God wants and chooses. It is a surrender of absolutely everything to the ultimate power.
What is special about Bhakti Yoga is that you can choose any God, whether it is Shiva or Krishna or Jesus, it can be whoever you choose. The surrender can be to any God, as long as it is a complete and total surrender.
It is Bhakti yoga practitioners belief that nothing is yours. Everything is designed by Got. You are simply flowing with God’s planning. God’s planning is enough. You have no questions and you don’t even ask for anything. Whatever God gives is enough. You are full of immense gratitude.
What I’ve Personally Been Taught…
My yoga teacher, Prakash Acharya, at Nepal Yoga Home described Bhakti Yoga with the metaphor of a fish. The fish came from the water. All the flesh and body of the fish was made by the water, but the fish doesn’t know that. Just as the fish came from the water, we came from God. We don’t realize that every mote and atom of our being comes from God and is therefore one with God.
The Root of Bhakti Yoga
When this epiphany is deeply accepted to the root of your core, when your love of devotion is complete, and there is no questions, desires, or doubts— then enlightenment and spiritual liberation can be achieved.
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