
What is Raja Yoga?

What is Raja Yoga?

Raja Yoga is known as the Royal Path. It incorperates Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jnana Yoga as well as Patajali’s Eight Limbed Path as described in his Yoga Sutras.

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What Is Bhakti Yoga?

What Is Bhakti Yoga?

What is Bhakti Yoga? Bhakti Yoga is the Path of Devotion, the path of surrendering to the source. Through unconditional spiritual love, a path to enlightenment and liberation emerges.

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What Is Karma Yoga?

What Is Karma Yoga?

You’ve heard of Karma and of yoga, but what is Karma Yoga? The Path of Action, Karma Yoga is the path of selfless service others and abandonment of the ego. Want to learn more? Keep on reading, friends!

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What Are Nadis?

What Are Nadis?

In Sanskrit, nadi translates to flow or channels. The nadis are a network that allow prana to flow throughout our body. Out of the 72,000 nadis, there are three major nadis, from which all other channels branch out from. Ready for more? Readers, read on!

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